Announcement: Sugar-free smoothies for little ones are back in stock!

Zucchini frittata

I made these about 1 month back. At that time, I had some zucchinis lying in my fridge that I truly wanted to use before it turns bad. 

I did a search for "zucchini baby-led weaning recipes" and came across several recipes that inspired me before I decided to try making these frittatas. And oh, I thought making these would finally give me the excuse to open the box of Kenwood processor which I had bought during the 2018 Black Friday and hadn't used! 

I tweaked the recipe a bit from the original based on what I felt like introducing to Sarah at that time. I also managed to introduce Sarah formally to eggs for the first time when I made these frittatas! She was 7 months at that time. Sarah seemed to truly love them. She kept eating them!

Since I made one whole tray, I could freeze the remaining portion and simply used the pan to heat it up when I wanted to serve it to Sarah on another day.

Note: Never ever microwave food for babies!  


Prep time: Approximately 30 mins


1 zucchini, shredded (I simply ran it through the food processor)

Chopped spinach (add more if you feel your child needs to eat more spinach!)

3 eggs

About 1 tbsp olive oil to taste 

Rosemary leaves (I used the ones sold in bottles which be found in any herb section of the supermarket)




Shred thinly the zucchini and place it inside a mixing bowl.

In a separate bowl, break and beat the eggs. Add the eggs to the bowl of shredded zucchini and mix well. You might want to add in bit-by-bit to ensure you haven't used too much egg for the zucchini. The mixture shouldn't be too runny with eggs.

Add in the rest of the ingredients.

Place a piece of baking paper onto your baking tray. The baking paper will make it easier for you to remove the cooked zucchini frittata later on. However if you prefer, you can give the baking paper a miss.

Pour the zucchini-egg mixture into the baking tray and bake at 180 degrees celsius for about 20 minutes or until the eggs are well-cooked.

Once ready, cut the baked zucchini frittata into small rectangles that is big enough for your baby to hold. 

I hope your baby loves these frittatas as much as mine did!

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