Announcement: Sugar-free smoothies for little ones are back in stock!

About us

Hello there! 

Welcome to Little Sarah's Pantry. :)

I'm F, mother to two lively kids.

Little Sarah's Pantry started in December 2019 after the birth of my firstborn, Sarah, as well as named after her.

When I first started Sarah on solids, I had every intention to be able to cook everything that she eats. I had spent hours reading age-appropriate food for babies and then even more hours poring through various recipes online. 

Being on leave from work at that time, I was fortunate to be able to cook every single one of Sarah's meals and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. 

And then it came time for me to go back to work as my leave ended. I got worried over ensuring that Sarah still gets to eat age-appropriate food (namely, no salt, no sugar, no preservative) even though she was going to be looked after by a caregiver (my mom-in-law) while I work. I worried too over the potential reality that I might not be able to cook for her at all should I come back from work late!

Those worries led to more extensive search online which brought me to stumble upon various off-the-shelf food that fits my requirements: no-salt, no-sugar, no-preservative. These came in the form of the CBB frozen premium baby pastes and sauces.

They are so easy to use even my 66 year old mom-in-law could adapt and use those pastes and sauces to cook for Sarah.

Eventually when Noah came along, I was able to use the same products to cook for both of my child's meal at the same time! 

And then the pandemic hit us. That disrupted momentarily (more than a year actually!) our supply of the CBB food. 

Ironically, it was the pandemic that later brought a shift to our frozen food range to now include our self-manufactured product: the frozen roti boyan and epok-epok.

At the point of writing this, Little Sarah's Pantry is still an evolving entity for me. I am still learning to strike the balance between serving the needs of our customers who are looking for baby food on one spectrum, and non-baby food on another.

One thing's for sure: Our frozen food range is indeed for the family!

Whoever you are, I hope our product range is able to serve the needs of your family in one way or another. :)



Updated: 11 February 2022